Demoniac Scryer (object)

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NeutralDemoniac Scryer
Image of Demoniac Scryer
Race Object (Uncategorized)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hellfire Basin, Hellfire Peninsula

Demoniac Scryer is a crystal that you summon as part of the quest in which you must protect it from Hellfire Wardlings and Fel Warden in Hellfire Basin of Hellfire Peninsula, while it channels several beams on floating dark masses around.

Objective of

Protect for the quest H [10-30G] The Demoniac Scryer.

When the crystal completes its task, the creature inside the crystal, will take over your body and with your own hand write out the [Demoniac Scryer Reading] to be given to Apothecary Antonivich.


Main article: The Demoniac Scryer#Notes

Patch changes

External links