Delivery to Master Harris

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AllianceDelivery to Master Harris
Start Apprentice Fess [44.9, 67.4]
End Oliver Harris [18.3, 57.7]
Level 10-30
Category Duskwood
Experience 970
Reputation +75 Gilneas
Rewards 8s
Previous A [10-30] The Yorgen Worgen, A [10-30] A Deadly Vine
Next A [10-30] A Curse We Cannot Lift, A [10-30] The Jitters-Bugs


Deliver the Bundle of Corpseweed to Oliver Harris at Raven Hill.


Master Harris will want to know of this immediately.

Here, take this package of corpseweed down the road to the camp at Raven Hill. Tell him what we saw at the Yorgen Stead.


What brings you out this way, my good sir?


Welcome to our humble camp. I wouldn't call it pleasant, but it's at least somewhat private.

Beg your pardon? A worgen at the farm?


You will receive: 8s


  1. A [10-30] Part of the Pack
  2. A [10-30] The Yorgen Worgen & A [10-30] A Deadly Vine
  3. A [10-30] Delivery to Master Harris
  4. A [10-30] A Curse We Cannot Lift
  5. A [10-30] Cry For The Moon

Patch changes

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