Delicious Chicken

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NeutralDelicious Chicken
Image of Delicious Chicken
Race Chicken (Uncategorized)
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Waycrest Manor

Delicious Chicken is a chicken located in Waycrest Manor. It only appears whenever N [50D WQ] Waycrest Manor: Witchy Kitchen is active in Drustvar, and requires a few steps to become active.


  • Roast Chef Rhonda and Sauciere Samuel need to be left alive, and no bosses need to die to gain access to the kitchen.
  • Wait for Rhonda to cast Inv misc food 15.png Raw Chicken — Throws a raw chicken at the target's location, inflicting 895 Nature damage to all enemies who stand near it. first to spawn a chicken.
  • She then casts Spell fire fireball02.png Roasting Fire — Hurls a ball of fire at the enemy, inflicting 1790 Fire damage to all enemies within 0 yards of the impact point..
  • FInally, Samuel casts Inv misc food legion goochoco bottle.png Gravy Spray — Sprays piping hot gravy outwards, inflicting 1454 Fire damage to all enemies in a line in front of the caster. resulting in the Delicious Chicken.


Patch changes

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