Defend the Siege

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AllianceDefend the Siege
Start Senior Demolitionist Legoso
End Senior Demolitionist Legoso
Level 25-30
Type Weekly PvP
Category Wintergrasp
Experience 22,050
Rewards 7g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [25-30] Defend the Siege.


Senior Demolitionist Legoso in Wintergrasp wants you to pilot or protect a siege device as it destroys three structures.

Players of private rank or higher can build siege devices at Goblin Workshops.

  • Siege Vehicles Defended (3)


Front and center, <name>! We're beginning our assault on Wintergrasp Fortress. Those Horde animals think they can hide cowardly behind their walls? Well, I think not! We'll show them the power of Gnomish technology and smash their walls to bits!

However, even the most powerful siege device is helpless without a crew. Pilot or protect one of our siege vehicles as it destroys three of the Horde structures.


7g 40s


That should show them the power of Gnomish invention!

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