Deepscale Fleshripper

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MobDeepscale Fleshripper
Image of Deepscale Fleshripper
Race Saurok (Humanoid)
Level 1-20
Reaction Hostile
Affiliation(s) Deepscale tribe
Location Wreck of the Skyseeker, Wandering Isle
Status Killable

Deepscale Fleshrippers are swarming the Wreck of the Skyseeker after Ji's plan to blow up the airship in N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] Risking It All worked!

As a result of the massive explosion, a huge gash has opened up in Shen-zin Su, so the healers of the Alliance and Horde forces on the Wandering Isle have banded together in an attempt to close the wound. The Deepscale Ravagers and Fleshrippers are not going to allow this, however, so fend them off in N IconSmall Pandaren Male.gifIconSmall Pandaren Female.gif [1-20] The Healing of Shen-zin Su.


  • Ability druid rake.png Rip Flesh — Inflicts 8 Physical damage to all enemies in front of the caster every 1 seconds for 4 sec.


  • During the beta, they were called Deep Sea Fleshrippers.

Patch changes

External links