Deeply missed, never forgotten

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Deeply missed, never forgotten

Deeply missed, never forgotten[49, 65.7] is a gravestone located on an islet in Crystal Lake in Elwynn Forest.


This monument is a tribute to Mats "Ibelin" Steen (1989 - 2014), a Norwegian World of Warcraft player who built an extensive online network of friends across the world despite battling a rare genetic disorder that confined him to his home for much of his life. After Steen passed away in 2014, several of his guild mates attended his funeral in Oslo. Steen's story gained worldwide attention in 2019 through an article in the Norwegian NRK[1] and British BBC,[2] and is the subject of the 2024 documentary film The Remarkable Life of Ibelin.

The in-game memorial is modeled after the appearance of Steen's real-world grave; "Deeply missed, never forgotten" is the English translation of "Dypt savnet, aldri glemt", the inscription on Steen's headstone. According to World of Warcraft Executive Producer Holly Longdale: "Mats' family asks that we encourage all players to consider this a memorial to grieve, remember, or honor anyone you love. Mats would have wanted that."[3]


Patch changes

  • TheWarWithin-Icon-Inline.png Hotfix (2024-10-29):
    • Players are now dismounted when near the Crystal Lake memorial area.
    • Players in the vicinity of the Crystal Lake memorial should no longer hear the Headless Horseman.
  • Dragonflight-Icon-Inline.png Patch 10.1.5 (2023-07-11): Added.


  1. ^ Vicky Schaubert 2019-01-27. Først da Mats var død, forsto foreldrene verdien av gamingen hans. NRK. Archived from the original on 2019-01-27.
  2. ^ Vicky Schaubert 2019-02-07. My disabled son’s amazing gaming life in the World of Warcraft. BBC News. Archived from the original on 2020-05-11.
  3. ^ Holly Longdale on X (2024-02-10). Retrieved on 2024-02-10.​ “This is all true. And Mats' family asks that we encourage all players to consider this a memorial to grieve, remember, or honor anyone you love. Mats would have wanted that.”

External links