Deanimate the Reanimated (Horde)

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HordeDeanimate the Reanimated
Start Shademaster Kiryn
End Shademaster Kiryn
Level 20-35
Category Kun-Lai Summit
Experience 129,000 XP
Rewards 10g 20s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-35] Deanimate the Reanimated.


Destroy any 14 Terracotta Warriors or Terracotta Guardians.


I've got much to do here, <name>. I could use your help.

There's a place to the northwest. The pandaren here call it Mogujia. Something's causing the statues there to animate, and our pandaren friends here are pretty spooked about it.

If they're not dealt with soon, we might have a serious problem. We just moved in. It's not like we can afford to fight a war with an army of statues right now.


Weren't you going to destroy all of those mogu statues so that we don't, you know, get overrun by them?


Oh, you dealt with the statues? Good work. Here's something for your trouble.


You will receive: 10g 20s (or 10g 85s if completed at level 90)

Upon completion of this quest you will also gain:

  • 129,000 XP


Optional breadcrumb: A [20-35] Hero's Call: Kun-Lai Summit!/H [20-35] Warchief's Command: Kun-Lai Summit! (optional), B [20-35] The Road to Kun-Lai
Optional side quests: N [20-35] Robbing Robbers of Robbers, N [20-35] Educating Saurok, N [20-35] The Spring Drifter

  1. N [20-35] Call Out Their Leader & N [20-35] Hit Medicine & N [20-35] All of the Arrows
  2. A [20-35] Admiral Taylor has Awakened / H [20-35] General Nazgrim has Awakened
  3. A [20-35] Westwind Rest / H [20-35] Eastwind Rest
  4. B [20-35] Challenge Accepted
  5. Complete all of:
    1. B [20-35] Trouble on the Farmstead
    2. N [20-35] Farmhand Freedom & N [20-35] ... and the Pot, Too!
    3. A [20-35] Back to Westwind Rest / H [20-35] Back to Eastwind Rest
  6. Complete all of:

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