Darkfallen Commander

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MobDarkfallen Commander
Image of Darkfallen Commander
Title <The San'layn>
Gender Male
Race Darkfallen (Undead)
Level 30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) San'layn, Scourge
Occupation Commander
Location Crimson Hall, Icecrown Citadel
Status Killable

Darkfallen Commanders are Darkfallen of the San'layn found in the Crimson Hall of Icecrown Citadel. They are normally found spread out among the trash in the halls.


  • Ability warrior battleshout.png Battle Shout — Increases the damage of nearby party members by 50% and attack speed by 20% for 30 sec.
  • Ability warrior charge.png Vampire Rush — Charges an enemy, inflicting 3700 to 4300 (5550 to 6450) damage to the target and any of its nearby allies, as well as knocking them all back.


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