Dani Earthtouch

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NeutralDani Earthtouch
Image of Dani Earthtouch
Title <Master Herbalist>
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Herbalist
Location Rainspeaker Rapids, Sholazar Basin[63.94, 49.17]
Status Alive

Dani Earthtouch is a night elf located in Rainspeaker Rapids in Sholazar Basin.

Objective of


Gossip during the quest

I suspected I would find some sort of greenery if I followed Freya's trail, but I never excepted anything like this!

What can I do for you?

Gossip Kuhuine Tenderstride sent me to collect your felwort analysis.
Ah, yes. Here it is. Nasty plant, that.
Gossip after the quest

Did you bring my analysis to Kuhuine? What did she say?

Trainer Train me in the ways of herbalism.

Patch changes

External links