Dances with Grimtotem

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AllianceDances with Grimtotem
Start Grundig Darkcloud
End Force Commander Valen
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 245
Reputation +500 Stormwind
Rewards  [Valen's Cloak]
or  [Fancy Footwork]
or  [Negotiator's Armbands]
or  [Ambassador's Amulet]
or  [Valen's Treads]
Previous A [10-30] Downfall
Next A [10-30] All's Clear


Report to Force Commander Valen at Northwatch Expedition Base Camp in Stonetalon Mountains.


Return now to your leader and tell him all that you have done for the Grimtotem. Tell him that the Alliance may pass freely across our borders.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 20.png [Valen's Cloak] Inv boots leather 11v1.png [Fancy Footwork]
Inv bracer 62v4.png [Negotiator's Armbands] Inv jewelry necklace 21.png [Ambassador's Amulet]
Inv boots leather 11v1.png [Valen's Treads]


Outstanding work, <name>! Now our forces only need to worry about the Horde as they enter Stonetalon.


Northwatch Expedition Base Camp/Deep Reaches:

  1. A [10-30] Tell 'Em Koko Sent You
  2. A [10-30] The Deep Reaches
    1. A [10-30] They Put the Assass in... Never Mind
    2. A [10-30] Is This Thing On?
  3. A [10-30] Shuttin Her Down
  4. A [10-30] A Special Kind of Job
  5. A [10-30] Death by Proxy
  6. A [10-30] A Proper Peace Offerin'

Grimtotem Post/Camp Aparaje:

  1. A [10-30] Sating the Savage Beast
  2. A [10-30] Terms of Service
  3. A [10-30] Armaments for War
  4. A [10-30] Grundig Darkcloud, Chieftain of the Grimtotem
  5. A [10-30] Grimtotem Supremacy
  6. A [10-30] Downfall
  7. A [10-30] Dances with Grimtotem
  8. A [10-30] All's Clear (Southern Barrens, here we come!)

Patch changes

External links