Cure Disease (shaman ability)

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For the priest spell, see [Cure Disease].
Cure Disease
Spell nature removedisease.png
Class Shaman
School Nature
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Other information
Level learned 22
Improvements [Mental Quickness]

Cure Disease was a Nature spell that cured one disease effect on a friendly target.


For restoration shamans, the [Cleanse Spirit] spell completely replaces this spell. It costs the same amount of mana and removes one poison and one curse effect in addition to the disease.

Talent improvement

[Mental Quickness] reduces the mana cost by up to 6%.

Tips and tactics

Consider using [Disease Cleansing Totem] instead. It has the same mana cost or less if you have [Totemic Mastery] and will retry every 5 seconds for five minutes, however your target must be in your party, within 30 yards, and you will lose any other water totem you have out. If more than one person in your group are diseased, it is usually faster and cheaper to use Disease Cleansing Totem and then immediately replace it with the water totem you had up before. The reduced global cooldown on totems means that this 'totem switch' will only take two seconds, whereas casting Cure Disease twice takes three seconds.

Patch changes

External links