Culling the Cullers

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NeutralCulling the Cullers
Start Ruriq
End Ruriq
Level 65-68
Category The Azure Span
Experience 7,850
Reputation +200 Iskaara Tuskarr
Rewards 26g 91s 48c
Shareable Yes
Next N [65-68] Tackling the Falls


Slay Ice Slitherers and Ice Borers near the Kauriq Gleamlet.


These wyrms don't belong here. I don't know what's driven them from their underground lairs, but there's no way to help them, now.

We can't allow them to destroy the native life here.

Slay the wyrms, <name>. Keep their parts, if you must, and find me in the Gleamlet when you're done.


You will receive:


Be careful--some wyrms hide beneath the earth.


It's a pity to wipe out any natural life... even troublesome ones.


Upon accept of both
Ruriq approaches Kauj.
Kauj says: We'll need a massive offering to calm the mammoth spirits.
Ruriq says: I have an idea. In the Tale of the Gleamfisher, Kauriq built a boat to bring Gleamfish to Iskaara during famine.
Ruriq says: With Iskaara and Imbu in danger again, we could please the mammoth spirits by using their remains to craft such a boat once more!
Kauj says: That journey killed Kauriq! No, brother.
Kauj and Kauriq Fishers start walking away.
Ruriq sighs heavily.
After a while, Ruriq follows suit.


  1. N [65-68] Mammoths Matter & N [65-68] Culling the Cullers
  2. N [65-68] Tackling the Falls
  3. N [65-68] The Gleamfisher
  4. N [65-68] Ice Breakers & N [65-68] Wayward Winds
  5. N [65-68] A Wrestle of Wind and Water
  6. N [65-68] Ruriq's River Rapids Ride

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