Crystal Force (quest)

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NeutralCrystal Forge
Start Eastern Crystal Pylon
End Eastern Crystal Pylon
Level 15-30
Category Un'Goro Crater
Rewards  [Crystal Force] x6
Previous N [53] Making Sense of It


The Pylon table allows you to combine green power crystals with blue power crystals.

According to J.D.'s manual, this combination can be used to increase your spirit.


Arranging the crystals on the table, you carefully align the colors. As you push the last one into place, a burst of light fuses the crystals together.

The resulting combination is now yours.


You will receive:  [Crystal Force] (6)


  1. N [15-30] Crystals of Power
  2. N [53] Making Sense of It

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): The quest now rewards five items instead of three.

External links

Classic Retail