Cryin' My Eyes Out

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HordeCryin' My Eyes Out
Start Zin'Jun
End Zin'Jun
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 111,000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous H [10-35] Seeking Zin'jun
Next H [10-35] Seein' Red


Collect Zin'Jun's belongings from the Hozen Groundpounders.

If you lose Zin'Jun, speak to him at the Ascent of Swirling Winds.


I coulda taken out da whole lot of 'em, mon.

Shot 'em one by one, den played dead when dey be gettin' close. Fell for it every time, they did - well almost every time...

One of 'em finally got wise. Called my bluff. Before I knew it, dey was usin' my eyes as marbles.

Ran off with my goods an' left me here ta die, da savages...

Help me, mon. Lemme die wit my dignity intact.


You will receive: 9g 80s


You got me good, mon?


<Zin'Jun think.>

Dey done killed Snuff...

What'd 'ol Snuff ever do ta dem?


Don't forget to pick up H [10-35] Monstrosity from the nearby statue before going.

Picking up Zin'Jun's Rifle:

Zin'Jun says: Aww, no... what have dey gone an' done to me rifle, mon!?

Picking up Zin'Jun's Left Eye:

Zin'Jun says: Wekk kiijue dere! Dat be my bad eye, but it be a good start!

Picking up Zin'Jun's Right Eye:

Zin'Jun says: Dere it be, mon. My huntin' eye! I'll be able ta rest in piece wit' ma ancestors...

Picking up Snuff's Corpse:

Zin'Jun says: Wassat, mon? Dey kill ol' Snuff?! Nooo!


  1. H [10-35] The Art of War or H [10-35] Warchief's Command: Jade Forest! or H [10-35] Mists of Pandaria: To Pandaria!
  2. H [10-35] All Aboard!
  3. H [10-35] Into the Mists
  4. H [10-35] Paint it Red!
  5. H [10-35] Touching Ground
  6. Complete both of:
  7. H [10-35] The Final Blow!
  8. Complete all of:
  9. H [10-35] Seeking Zin'jun
  10. H [10-35] Cryin' My Eyes Out
  11. H [10-35] Seein' Red
  12. Complete all of of:
  13. H [10-35] The Darkness Within
  14. H [10-35] Nazgrim's Command
  15. Complete both of:
    • Shademaster Kiryn's quests
    1. H [10-35] Forensic Science
    2. H [10-35] Acid Rain
    • Rivett Clutchpop's quests
    1. H [10-35] Missed Me By... That Much!
    2. H [10-35] They're So Thorny!
  16. H [10-35] Lay of the Land
  17. H [10-35] Stay a While, and Listen
  18. H [10-35] A Mile in My Shoes
  19. H [10-35] If These Stones Could Speak
  20. H [10-35] Peering Into the Past
  21. H [10-35] Family Tree
  22. H [10-35] Swallowed Whole
  23. H [10-35] Orders are Orders
  24. H [10-35] Instant Messaging
  25. H [10-35] Beyond the Horizon
  26. H [10-35] Furious Fowl
  27. H [10-35] Boom Bait
  28. H [10-35] The Scouts Return
  29. H [10-35] Scouting Report: Hostile Natives
  30. H [10-35] Scouting Report: On the Right Track
  31. H [10-35] Scouting Report: The Friend of My Enemy
  32. H [10-35] Scouting Report: Like Jinyu in a Barrel
  33. H [10-35] Guerrillas in our Midst
  34. H [10-35] Burning Down the House
  35. H [10-35] Dawn's Blossom

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