Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!

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AllianceCrush the Bloodmaul Camp!
Start Lieutenant Fairweather
End Lieutenant Fairweather
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 11650 EXP (or 6g 99s at level 70)

 [Darktread Boots]  [Twin Moon Shoulderguards]  [Chaintwine Cinch]

 [Fairweather's Wristguards]
3g 70s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-30] Crush the Bloodmaul Camp.


Lieutenant Fairweather has tasked you with slaying 10 Bloodmaul Maulers and 5 Bloodmaul Warlocks. Afterward, return to her at Evergrove in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


I've heard that you've done us more than proud in the fight against the ogres thus far. Now, I would ask that you face them again. I want you to crush the ogres at Bloodmaul Camp!

To get down there, head northwest down the ramp out of the Ruuan Weald. You'll find them at the base of the ramp.

Good luck, <class>!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv boots 02.png [Darktread Boots] Inv shoulder 18.png [Twin Moon Shoulderguards]
Inv belt 03.png [Chaintwine Cinch] Inv bracer 19.png [Fairweather's Wristguards]

You will also receive:3g 70s


<The lieutenant nods her head in obvious approval of your killing prowess.>

I am impressed, <name>.  Your reputation seems to be well-deserved.

Every time one of the ogres is felled, we come one step closer to ridding ourselves of a danger that has no intention of leaving us in peace.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 11650 XP (or 6g 99s at level 70)

External links