Crumpled Pamphlet

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For the Legion Invasions version, see  [Crumpled Pamphlet].

Crumpled Pamphlet is given by Validated Doomsayers in Dalaran after Argus appeared in the skies of Azeroth. The pamphlets are merely for flavor, and are not tied to any specific achievement or mission.



The end has come. The Legion will soon claim our world as its own, and all of us shall burn in the demons' flames. We all know this. We all feel it deeply within our souls.

So why... why... WHY... are so many people continuing to resist the Burning Legion? Why must they prolong our torment? If they had just sat down and accepted the inevitable, this wretched existence would have ended already.

They are fighting to deny us the sweet release of death. They deserve to die. Rise up, my brothers and sisters, and kill those who wish to save us!

Patch changes

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