Crocolisk Mastery: The Trial

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NeutralCrocolisk Mastery: The Trial
Start Debaar
End Debaar
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 21150
Rewards 6g 20s
Next N [20-30] Crocolisk Mastery: The Plan

The quests N [20-30] Dreadsaber Mastery: Becoming a Predator and N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Test are prerequisites for this quest.


Kill 15 Mangal Crocolisks and return to Debaar at the Nesingwary Encampment.


I warn you, stranger—do not make any comments about crashing the ship. I already get enough of it from the rest of the expedition.

If you're looking to try your hand at hunting, though, you should test your skills against the wily mangal crocolisks. They live all along the river to the south, and in the Wildgrowth Mangal to the east. Prove you can hold your own against them and we'll talk again, hunter.


You will receive: 6g 20s


Did you make the kills?


Impressive, <class>. Are you certain you're not a member of the expedition?

No, I'm certain of it. There would've been a crash joke in there somewhere.


  1. N [20-30] Crocolisk Mastery: The Trial
  2. N [20-30] Crocolisk Mastery: The Plan
  3. N [20-30] Crocolisk Mastery: The Ambush

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