Cozzle's Plan

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HordeCozzle's Plan
Start Kil'karil
End Kil'karil
Level 10-30
Category Northern Stranglethorn
Experience 2,300
Reputation +250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 25s


Obtain  [Cozzle's Key] from Foreman Cozzle, then obtain the Fuel Regulator Blueprints.


I may be of Darkspear birth, but I spent my childhood here, in Stranglethorn Vale. I've seen everything there is to see here in Stranglethorn, but the most offensive is the devastation that the Venture Company has done to the riverbed.

To make things worse, Foreman Cozzle and his crew have been increasing their activity, and I suspect they have some new plan. Succeed where I failed, <name>: Kill Cozzle, obtain his key, and steal the blueprints from his apartment.


You will receive: 25s


The Venture Company's acts against Stranglethorn cannot be forgiven.


A fuel regulator? This seems important. At least, I hope it is.

We may not have ended the Venture Company's operations, but we at least slowed them down. Thank you, <name>.


Patch changes

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