Lady Cozwynn

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HordeLady Cozwynn
Image of Lady Cozwynn
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Undercity
Location Crushblow, Twilight Highlands

Lady Cozwynn is a Forsaken who resides at Crushblow. She states that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner herself sent her to the Highlands in order to serve as a Horde liason, and to "mend broken fences" between the Dark Lady and Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.

She appears briefly in the fight against Skullcrusher the Mountain, alongside Zaela and Garona healing the two.


  • Spell nature bloodlust.png Bloodlust — Increases melee, ranged, and spell casting speed by 30% for all party members. Lasts 40 sec.
  • Spell holy heal.png Heal — Calls upon Holy magic to heal an ally.




Lady Windrunner herself sent me to serve as the Horde liaison to Zaela and the Dragonmaw clan. She and the new Warchief, Garrosh, are attempting to mend their broken fences, it would seem.

In any case, we must put an end to the Twilight threat once and for all. Most importantly, though, we must keep Cho'gall from creating his ultimate weapon.


  • Lady Cozwynn's gossip text likely alludes to the earlier disagreement Sylvanas had with Warchief Hellscream regarding the Val'kyr, or perhaps to address the Forsaken's general dubious loyalty to the wider Horde.
  • Oddly for her race, she is seen using holy magics.

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