Cortello's Riddle quest chain

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NeutralCortello's Riddle
Level range 43-51
Zones Stranglethorn Vale
Swamp of Sorrows

One of the less commonly found quest chains, this is a simple treasure hunt.

Cortello's Riddle

Finding the riddle

While battling the Bloodsail Buccaneers at anchor off the Wild Shore, south of Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale, you encounter a scrap of parchment with a riddle on it.

Cortello's Riddle

There is an ornate, well-traveled bridge
East of Deadwind and south of Redridge
Underneath there waits something for you
Some call it a hint, others a clue
There it will lie for endless tomorrows
Biding its time in the Swamp of Sorrows

You travel to Swamp of Sorrows and look around.
From Deadwind, head east to the first intersection. Continue east to the first bridge. Underneath that bridge is a soggy scroll.
The Soggy Scroll

A far off land in Kalimdor awaits
Where peril has dashed hopes and fates
East of Barrens the weather is harsh
Gloom and danger pock Dustwallow Marsh
But there lies a clue for those up to the test
Waiting to be found in a cave in the southwest

Onward, it seems, to Dustwallow Marsh.
North of Mudsprocket, and west of the Stonemaul Ruins lies a cave... Bloodfen Burrow. Many raptors surround and inhabit the cave. Within, you find a musty scroll.
The Musty Scroll

To Lordaeron! The great land of turmoil
Where brave soldiers with death do toil
Find your way through the great unrest
There you will find the end to this quest
Along the coast of the Hinterlands, at the base of the great falls
Underneath the water there does your treasure call!

And yet again, onwards!
In the Hinterlands, you reach the Overlook Cliffs. The river that floats through Hinterlands tumbles over the edge in a great falls. And at the bottom, your reward! The  [Explorer's Knapsack].



  1. N [43] Cortello's Riddle
  2. N [43] Cortello's Riddle
  3. N [51] Cortello's Riddle