Corrupted Memory of Turalyon

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MobCorrupted Memory of Turalyon
Image of Corrupted Memory of Turalyon
Gender Male
Race Projection (Humanoid)
Level 70 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Equinox Reach, Telogrus Rift
Status Killable

Corrupted Memory of Turalyon is a projection located in Telogrus Rift. Summoned by Xal'atath, it was hunted down by Alleria Windrunner.


  • Spell holy avenginewrath.png Avenging Wrath — Holy warrior of the Light.
  • Spell holy righteousnessaura.png Defiled Strikes — The memory of Turalyon leaps at his target and performs a pair of deadly strikes, each inflicting 150% weapon damage.
  • Ability paladin bladeofjusticeblue.png Desecrating Blades — The memory of Turalyon summons cursed blades to erupt from the ground, each inflicting 25 Shadow damage within 3 yards.
  • Spell holy divineshield.png Void Shield — Protects the caster from all attacks and spells.
  • Wake of Corruption — The memory of Turalyon cleaves his defiled blade, inflicting 12 Shadow damage and an additional 4 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec to any players in front of him.

Objective of


Main article: Null and Void#Notes

Patch changes

See also

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