Coldrage Dagger

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Night Elf male wielding the Coldrage Dagger

Coldrage Dagger is dropped by Amnennar the Coldbringer in the Razorfen Downs.

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

The origin of these powerful daggers is not known, though some scholars believe they may have extra-dimensional origins. At least three are known to exist in Kalimdor, although ancient tales suggest at least one other surfaced in Lordaeron. A coldrage dagger appears to have a blade made entirely of ice, although it is not cold to the touch and does not melt in hot conditions. Snowflakes appear and disappear in a swirling cloud about the blade when it is used in combat. The wielder's skin takes on a bluish hue, as if he were suffering from frostbite, although he incurs no ill effects from this condition.[1]

Patch changes


Other versions

External links