Coldheart Interstitia (quest)

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NeutralColdheart Interstitia
Start Lady Jaina Proudmoore [39.4, 67.8]
End Automatic
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Maw
Experience 14,200
Rewards 9g 26s
Previous The Soulforges
Next N [60] Mort'regar


Enter Coldheart Interstitia within Torghast and slay its warden.


Torghast is a place of torments of both body and mind. Its very nature makes you doubt what is real.

<Jaina falters a moment, then recovers her composure.>

I caught fleeting glimpses of winged Mawsworn carrying Anduin and Thrall deeper into the tower. Taking them into the cold heart of vast cavernous recesses where light and hope seem like distant memories.

Do whatever you must to pull them out of that tower. The Jailer's forces will do everything in their power to stop you.


You will receive:

  • 9g 26s
  • 14,200 XP


Another path opens before us. The shadows part for a moment...

I can see Thrall struggling against his captors. I sense a name... Mort'regar.


On accept:

Baine Bloodhoof says: It is good to see you safe, Jaina. Though my wounds are healing, I confess... the horrors of the Maw still haunt me.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I... understand. Any news of Thrall and Anduin? We need to return to Torghast and--
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: With respect, Lady Proudmoore, you need to recover your strength. Let the Maw Walker resume the search for the others.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Wise words, Highlord. I trust your judgment.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Thank you, <name>. I owe you... everything.

Back to the Maw and Torghast yet again...

The special mechanic in this wing is the Dissonant Bells. They can provide one of several kiss/curse buffs, some of which are best avoided for solo players without self-healing. There are also two types of ambushers. Orange circle-types can be killed, but the white-circle types cannot.


  1. N [60] The Highlord Calls
  2. N [60] Into Torghast
  3. N [60] The Search for Baine
  4. N [60] Prison of the Forgotten
  5. N [60] Deep Within
  6. N [60] Reawakening
  7. N [60] A Damned Pact
  8. N [60] A Grave Chance
  9. N [60] The Weak Link
    • Optional side chain to unlock Runecrafting:
    N [60] Ashes of the Tower, N [60] The Final Pieces, One of: N Tailoring [60] The Vessels of the Thread, N Leatherworking [60] The Vessels of Leather and Bone, N Blacksmithing [60] The Vessels of Metal, N Jewelcrafting [60] The Vessels of Jewels

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 9.1.0.

  1. N [60] Explore Torghast
  2. N [60] Remnants of Hope
  3. N [60] Information for a Price
  4. N [60] Torment Chamber: Jaina
  5. N [60] Finding a Witness
  6. N [60] Lest the Trail Go Cold
  7. N [60] Torment Chamber: Thrall
  8. N [60] Signs of the Lion
  9. N [60] The Captive King

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.

With the soulkeeper's enhanced power, you can save the others from your world! You make your covenant proud. You make your Soul Warden proud!
Now go back to that tower and save those guys!
On accept
Baine Bloodhoof says: Yes, but still recovering. This whole ordeal feels like a dream.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: What of the others? Still being tormented in the tower? We... we can save them...
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: No. Rest now, Lady Proudmoore. You've been through so much already.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I suppose you're right.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Thank you, <name> I owe you... everything.

Patch changes

External links