Closure is Only Natural

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AllianceClosure is Only Natural
Start Gnarl
End Gnarl
Level 7-30 (Requires 7)
Category Ashenvale
Experience 1,650 XP
Reputation +250 rep with Darnassus
Rewards 13s
Previous A [7-30] Reclaiming Felfire Hill
Next A [7-30] The Shadewalker


Use Gnarl's Bough to close 10 Demon Gates.


Through the ground I can feel more demons being brought into our world. Soon there will be too many and we will be overrun without hope of turning them back.

Take this piece of me and return to Demon Fall Canyon and Demon Fall Ridge, south of Felfire Hill. Aim the bough at a demon gate and concentrate. I have stored a portion of the forest's life force in its wood, and it will close the gate.


You will receive:


With their gates closed and no further reinforcements coming, it is only a matter of time now before the demons are no more.

You are a hero of the forest, <name>. I give you thanks on behalf of all of Ashenvale's creatures!


  1. A [7-30] Reclaiming Felfire Hill
  2. A [7-30] Closure is Only Natural
  3. A [7-30] The Shadewalker
  4. A [7-30] The Forest Heart / A [7-30] Insane Druids

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