Clearing the Air

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NeutralClearing the Air
Start Lunelli
End Lunelli
Level 20-30
Category Blacksmithing
Experience 1,010
Rewards  [Plans: Windforged Rapier],  [Plans: Skyforged Great Axe],  [Plans: Stormforged Axe]


Recover a Cardinal Sky Core, a Cardinal Storm Core, and a Cardinal Wind Core for Lunelli. Bring them back to her in Shattrath when you have all three.


Ancient weapons require ancient offerings to regain the knowledge on how to construct them.

If you wish to learn how weapons forged from air are crafted, then you must first battle with beings born from it.

Bring me their cores and I will gift you the knowledge you seek.


You will receive:
Inv misc scrollrolled02c.png [Plans: Windforged Rapier] Inv misc scrollrolled02c.png [Plans: Stormforged Axe]
Inv misc scrollrolled02c.png [Plans: Skyforged Great Axe]

You will also receive:


Be mindful of their attacks, for with air, you never know it's there until you feel it move across your skin.


I smell the air about you and see that you have returned triumphant.

Here is the knowledge that you seek.


Patch changes

External links