Clear! (Alliance)

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Start Torben Zapblast
End Torben Zapblast
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,380
Rewards 13g 40s
Next A [20-40] New Owner
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] Clear!.


Collect 6 Zapper Sacs from Lakebottom Zappers in Talador.


Oh, the gnomanity!

The Pleasure-Bot 8000 broke before it could bring me a single Draenor truffle. It swam here and shorted its power fluctuator.


I have power going to it, but it isn't enough to override the fluctuator.

Could you get me the sacs from the electric eels in the lake? I think that would be just the ticket!


You will receive:

  • 13g 40s
  • 14,380 XP


Do you have the eel sacs?


Those look perfect! By all that is mechanical, this had better work.

Now let's just insert these here...


On completion
The Pleasure-Bot 8000 powers up and stands.
Torben Zapblast says: Alright, Pleasure-Bot 8000. Execute command X47G5!
Pleasure-Bot 8000 says: Command unrecognized. Will only accept commands from Pleasure-Bot 8000 owner: <name>.
Torben Zapblast says: That's it, I've had it! <Name>, you can have him! I'm going back to tank-building from here on out!
Torben runs north to the end of the dock and despawns.

Patch changes

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