Cleaning Up Gul'var

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AllianceCleaning Up Gul'var
Start Cordana Felsong[29.3, 25.7]
End Cordana Felsong[29.3, 25.7]
Level 10-40
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 14250
Rewards 13g
Previous A [10-40] Ominous Portents


Kill 20 Shadow Council orcs at Gul'var.

  • Gul'var orc slain x20


Khadgar wants you to concentrate on Gul'dan, but that doesn't mean we're not going to take down the Shadow Council in the process.

Gul'var's filthy with Shadow Council villains. Let's do something about them.


You will receive: 13g


We need to nip the Shadow Council in the bud while their numbers are still low on this world.


Every world is better off without those demon-loving scum.


  • 14250 XP


Pick up A [10-40] Soul Shards of Summoning before heading out.

Back to the west to the southern entrance of Gul'var. Find Grogal the Harvester by an altar at the south end of the quest area, Fel Mistress Hagra at an altar to the north, and Corruptor Kurgoth all the way to the north. Keep killing Shadow Warriors, Gul'var Peons, and Lesser Warlocks too.


  1. A [10-40] Meet Us at Starfall Outpost
  2. A [10-40] Catching His Eye
  3. A [10-40] Shrouding Stones
  4. A [10-40] Ominous Portents
  5. A [10-40] Soul Shards of Summoning
  6. A [10-40] Heart On Fire
  7. A [10-40] Forging the Soul Trap
  8. A [10-40] To Catch a Shadow

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