Claiming Arathi Basin (level 49)

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For other versions, see Claiming Arathi Basin.
AllianceClaiming Arathi basin
Start Alliance Brigadier General
End Alliance Brigadier General
Level 49 (Requires 41)
Type PvP
Category Arathi Basin
Rewards +228 [Honor]


Bring 3 Arathi Basin Marks of Honor to an Alliance Brigadier General outside the battlegrounds.


Winning a war is about more than just outsmarting and outfighting your opponent. Victory often comes down to simply producing more than your enemy.

What we have in Arathi Basin is a sizeable supply of resources for whichever side manages to claim it first.

If the Alliance comes out victorious, it'll mean more swords and pikes for our troops. If the Horde were to win, those swords and pikes would still get made, they'd just be pointed at us! Now is the time to help the Alliance in Arathi Basin, <name>.


You will receive: 70s


Tell me, what are the news from the front?


Good work, soldier! Keep it up and we'll have the Horde running all the way back to Orgrimmar.

Patch changes

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