Circle the Wagons... er, Boats (Horde)

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HordeCircle the Wagons... er, Boats
Start Automatic
End Razzeric [76.5, 73.6]
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 2,100
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards  [Speedbarge Leggings]
or  [Pirate Sinker's Gloves]
or  [Bear Hug Bracers]
or  [Manly Pauldrons]
or  [Pirate Sinker's Gauntlets]

 [River Boat]
2g 77s 50c
Previous H [15-30] Pirate Accuracy Increasing
Next B [15-30] Quiet the Cannons, H [15-30] Where's Synge?, B [15-30] A Little Payback, B [15-30] Negotiations, B [15-30] Special Delivery for Brivelthwerp
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Circle the Wagons... er, Boats.


Sink 15 Southsea Rowboats.


The fires are dealt with, but there are still Southsea pirates getting ready to board the Speedbarge.

Time to switch to the other side cannon and sink them before it's too late!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants cloth 42.png [Speedbarge Leggings] Inv gauntlets 115.png [Pirate Sinker's Gloves]
Inv bracer 77v2.png [Bear Hug Bracers] Inv shoulder 135v2.png [Manly Pauldrons]
Inv gauntlets 115.png [Pirate Sinker's Gauntlets]

You will also receive:

Inv helmet 66.png [River Boat]


You saved my Speedbarge!

<Razzeric embraces you in a manly hug!>

I can't begin to tell you how relieved I am, Captain <name>!


Turn the camera around so it's facing away from the speedbarge this time and start taking out the rowboats with the Fire Cannon's sole ability:

  • Fire Cannon 100 yd range — Fire the cannon at the Southsea boarder's rowboats.

After sinking 15, get off the river boat and head back to the speedbarge. Exiting the boat will launch players back to the barge, dropping them off on deck. Return to Razzeric to turn in.


  1. A [15-30] To New Thalanaar/H [15-30] To the Summit or A [15-30] Hero's Call: Thousand Needles!/H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Thousand Needles! (both optional)
  2. B [15-30] The Grimtotem are Coming
  3. B [15-30] Two If By Boat
  4. B [15-30] Do Me a Favor?
  5. B [15-30] Down in the Deeps
  6. Side quests: B [15-30] In the Outhouse, B [15-30] Bar Fight!
  7. B [15-30] Pirate Accuracy Increasing
  8. B [15-30] Circle the Wagons... er, Boats

Patch changes

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