Centaur Commander

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NeutralCentaur Commander
Image of Centaur Commander
Gender Male
Race Centaur (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kolkar clan
Occupation Commander
Location Shok'Thokar and Shadowbreak Ravine, Desolace
Status Alive

The Centaur Commander is a centaur controlled during N [10-30] Into the Fray! and N [10-30] Death to Agogridon in Desolace. The Commander is accompanied by a small warband, consisting of three Centaur Maulers and one Centaur Windchaser.


  1. Inv weapon halberd 03.png Throw — Throws your weapon at an enemy, inflicting 900% of normal weapon damage.
  2. Achievement bg kill flag carrierwsg.png Attack Order — Orders your centaur units to attack the target.
  3. Achievement bg returnxflags def wsg.png Return Order — Orders your centaur units to leave combat.
  4. Spell nature healingwavegreater.png Request Healing — Orders your centaur casters to heal you.
  5. Inv misc head centaur 01.png Call for Reinforcements — Calls for additional centaur units to assist you in battle.

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