Cenarion Property

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NeutralCenarion Property
Start Garren Darkwind[58.4, 49.8]
End Garren Darkwind[58.4, 49.8]
Level 10-30
Category Desolace
Experience 2710
Reputation +250 Cenarion Circle
Rewards 30s
Previous N [10-30] An Introduction Is In Order
Next N [10-30] Delicate Negotiations


Collect 7 Cenarion Supply Crates from the Magram Lands.


Since the demons have invaded their lands, the Magram have broken all ties with any outsiders.

They are untrusting and hostile and have taken to stealing from others instead of providing for themselves.

Many of our needed supplies have gone missing of late and we suspect that the Magram are to blame.

Please, <name>, go to their lands in the east and search for our belongings.


You will receive:


Were you able to find our belongings, <name>?


As we suspected, the Magram have been stealing our supplies.

We shall guard them more closely.


  1. N [10-30] An Introduction Is In Order
  2. N [10-30] Breakout! and N [10-30] Cenarion Property
  3. N [10-30] Delicate Negotiations
  4. N [10-30] Will Work For Food
  5. N [10-30] My Word is My Bond
  6. N [10-30] Three Princes
  7. N [10-30] Not So Fast!
  8. N [10-30] Behind Closed Doors
  9. N [10-30] Time For Change
  10. N [10-30] Into the Fray!
  11. N [10-30] Death to Agogridon

Patch changes

External links