Category talk:Cloth armor items

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okey doke, so this was one of the categories that was voted to have the words "World of Warcraft" removed from its name. however, while i'm at it, i wonder if the destination name should be [[Category:Cloth items]] as originally proposed, or if it (and the other armor type cats, of course) should be [[Category:Cloth armor items]] instead, thus making way for [[Category:Cloths]] to take the Cloth items name

the points of this would be to make both categories' purposes clearer, add consistency with many other item category names (by adding "items" to the cloth materials cat), and... well, admittedly i just plain think "Cloths" sounds weird q: —Eithris (talk) 03:49, 31 January 2020 (UTC)

Hmm yeah I think that's a good idea. PeterWind (talk) 18:36, 31 January 2020 (UTC)