Category:EU servers
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Servers for the European version of WoW.
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 251 total.
(previous page) (next page)- English servers (3 P)
- French servers (empty)
- German servers (1 P)
- Portuguese servers (empty)
- Russian servers (empty)
- Spanish servers (empty)
- Server:Aegwynn Europe (empty)
- Server:Aerie Peak Europe (empty)
- Server:Agamaggan Europe (empty)
- Server:Aggra Europe (1 P)
- Server:Aggramar Europe (1 P)
- Server:Ahn'Qiraj Europe (empty)
- Server:Al'Akir Europe (1 P)
- Server:Alexstrasza Europe (empty)
- Server:Alleria Europe (empty)
- Server:Alonsus Europe (empty)
- Server:Aman'Thul Europe (empty)
- Server:Ambossar Europe (empty)
- Server:Anachronos Europe (1 P)
- Server:Anetheron Europe (empty)
- Server:Antonidas Europe (empty)
- Server:Anub'arak Europe (empty)
- Server:Arak-arahm Europe (empty)
- Server:Arathi Europe (empty)
- Server:Arathor Europe (4 P)
- Server:Archimonde Europe (1 P)
- Server:Area 52 Europe (empty)
- Server:Argent Dawn Europe (8 P)
- Server:Arthas Europe (empty)
- Server:Arygos Europe (empty)
- Server:Aszune Europe (empty)
- Server:Auchindoun Europe (empty)
- Server:Azjol-Nerub Europe (3 P)
- Server:Azshara Europe (1 P)
- Server:Azuremyst Europe (empty)
- Server:Baelgun Europe (empty)
- Server:Balnazzar Europe (empty)
- Server:Blackhand Europe (empty)
- Server:Blackmoore Europe (empty)
- Server:Blackrock Europe (empty)
- Server:Blade's Edge Europe (empty)
- Server:Bladefist Europe (empty)
- Server:Bloodfeather Europe (empty)
- Server:Bloodhoof Europe (3 P)
- Server:Blutkessel Europe (empty)
- Server:Boulderfist Europe (empty)
- Server:Bronze Dragonflight Europe (empty)
- Server:Bronzebeard Europe (empty)
- Server:Burning Blade Europe (empty)
- Server:Burning Legion Europe (empty)
- Server:C'Thun Europe (empty)
- Server:Chants éternels Europe (empty)
- Server:Cho'gall Europe (empty)
- Server:Chromaggus Europe (empty)
- Server:Confrérie du Thorium Europe (empty)
- Server:Conseil des Ombres Europe (empty)
- Server:Crushridge Europe (empty)
- Server:Culte de la Rive noire Europe (empty)
- Server:Daggerspine Europe (empty)
- Server:Dalaran Europe (empty)
- Server:Dalvengyr Europe (empty)
- Server:Darkmoon Faire Europe (1 P)
- Server:Darksorrow Europe (empty)
- Server:Darkspear Europe (1 P)
- Server:Das Konsortium Europe (empty)
- Server:Das Syndikat Europe (empty)
- Server:Deathwing Europe (empty)
- Server:Dentarg Europe (empty)
- Server:Der abyssische Rat Europe (empty)
- Server:Der Mithrilorden Europe (empty)
- Server:Der Rat von Dalaran Europe (empty)
- Server:Destromath Europe (empty)
- Server:Dethecus Europe (empty)
- Server:Die Aldor Europe (empty)
- Server:Die Arguswacht Europe (empty)
- Server:Die ewige Wacht Europe (empty)
- Server:Die Nachtwache Europe (empty)
- Server:Die Silberne Hand Europe (empty)
- Server:Die Todeskrallen Europe (empty)
- Server:Doomhammer Europe (1 P)
- Server:Draenor Europe (1 P)
- Server:Dragonblight Europe (empty)
- Server:Dragonmaw Europe (empty)
- Server:Drak'thul Europe (empty)
- Server:Drek'Thar Europe (empty)
- Server:Dun Modr Europe (empty)
- Server:Dun Morogh Europe (empty)
- Server:Dunemaul Europe (3 P)
- Server:Durotan Europe (empty)
- Server:Earthen Ring Europe (2 P)
- Server:Echsenkessel Europe (empty)
- Server:Eitrigg Europe (empty)
- Server:Eldre'Thalas Europe (empty)
- Server:Elune Europe (empty)
- Server:Emerald Dream Europe (2 P)
- Server:Emeriss Europe (empty)
- Server:Eonar Europe (empty)
- Server:Eredar Europe (empty)
- Server:Executus Europe (empty)
- Server:Exodar Europe (empty)
- Server:Festung der Stürme Europe (empty)
- Server:Forscherliga Europe (empty)
- Server:Frostmane Europe (1 P)
- Server:Frostmourne Europe (empty)
- Server:Frostwhisper Europe (empty)
- Server:Frostwolf Europe (empty)
- Server:Garona Europe (empty)
- Server:Genjuros Europe (1 P)
- Server:Ghostlands Europe (empty)
- Server:Gilneas Europe (empty)
- Server:Gorgonnash Europe (empty)
- Server:Grim Batol Europe (empty)
- Server:Gul'dan Europe (empty)
- Server:Hakkar Europe (empty)
- Server:Haomarush Europe (empty)
- Server:Hellfire Europe (empty)
- Server:Hellscream Europe (1 P)
- Server:Hyjal Europe (empty)
- Server:Illidan Europe (empty)
- Server:Jaedenar Europe (empty)
- Server:Kael'thas Europe (empty)
- Server:Karazhan Europe (empty)
- Server:Kargath Europe (empty)
- Server:Kazzak Europe (empty)
- Server:Kel'Thuzad Europe (empty)
- Server:Khadgar Europe (2 P)
- Server:Khaz Modan Europe (empty)
- Server:Khaz'goroth Europe (empty)
- Server:Kil'Jaeden Europe (empty)
- Server:Kilrogg Europe (2 P)
- Server:Kirin Tor Europe (2 P)
- Server:Kor'gall Europe (empty)
- Server:Krag'jin Europe (empty)
- Server:Krasus Europe (empty)
- Server:Kul Tiras Europe (empty)
- Server:La Croisade écarlate Europe (empty)
- Server:Laughing Skull Europe (empty)
- Server:Les Clairvoyants Europe (empty)
- Server:Les Sentinelles Europe (empty)
- Server:Lightbringer Europe (empty)
- Server:Lordaeron Europe (empty)
- Server:Lothar Europe (empty)
- Server:Madmortem Europe (empty)
- Server:Magtheridon Europe (1 P)
- Server:Mal'Ganis Europe (empty)
- Server:Malfurion Europe (empty)
- Server:Malorne Europe (empty)
- Server:Malygos Europe (empty)
- Server:Mannoroth Europe (empty)
- Server:Mazrigos Europe (empty)
- Server:Medivh Europe (1 P)
- Server:Minahonda Europe (empty)
- Server:Molten Core Europe (empty)
- Server:Moonglade Europe (5 P)
- Server:Mug'thol Europe (empty)
- Server:Nagrand Europe (1 P)
- Server:Nathrezim Europe (empty)
- Server:Naxxramas Europe (empty)
- Server:Nazjatar Europe (empty)
- Server:Nefarian Europe (empty)
- Server:Neptulon Europe (empty)
- Server:Ner'zhul Europe (empty)
- Server:Nera'thor Europe (empty)
- Server:Nethersturm Europe (empty)
- Server:Nordrassil Europe (empty)
- Server:Norgannon Europe (empty)
- Server:Nozdormu Europe (empty)
- Server:Onyxia Europe (empty)
- Server:Outland Europe (empty)
- Server:Perenolde Europe (empty)
- Server:Proudmoore Europe (empty)
- Server:Quel'Thalas Europe (empty)
- Server:Ragnaros Europe (empty)
- Server:Rajaxx Europe (empty)
- Server:Rashgarroth Europe (empty)
- Server:Ravencrest Europe (4 P)
- Server:Ravenholdt Europe (empty)
- Server:Rexxar Europe (empty)
- Server:Runetotem Europe (empty)
- Server:Sanguino Europe (empty)
- Server:Sargeras Europe (empty)
- Server:Saurfang Europe (empty)
- Server:Scarshield Legion Europe (empty)
- Server:Sen'jin Europe (empty)
- Server:Shadowmoon Europe (empty)
- Server:Shadowsong Europe (empty)
- Server:Shattered Halls Europe (empty)
- Server:Shattered Hand Europe (empty)
- Server:Shattrath Europe (empty)
- Server:Shen'dralar Europe (empty)
- Server:Silvermoon Europe (empty)
- Server:Sinstralis Europe (empty)
- Server:Skullcrusher Europe (empty)
- Server:Spinebreaker Europe (empty)
Pages in category "EU servers"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.