Caretaker Pancha

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NeutralCaretaker Pancha
Image of Caretaker Pancha
Gender Female
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 58-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Avowed
Location Halls of Atonement, Revendreth
Status Alive

Caretaker Pancha is a venthyr located in the Halls of Atonement in Revendreth. She is holding Werimu the Traitor-King chained.


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Every soul's path to atonement is different, but there is commonality between them all.

Sacrifice and suffering are necessary means to a worthy end.

When the alternative is eternity in the Maw, could there even be a price that was not worth paying?

  • Gossip How will Werimu the Traitor-King earn atonement?
Werimu still does not grasp the precariousness of his situation!
He has atoned for much, but the burdens on his soul when he first arrived were monstrous. I had seen nothing like it before.
He will not be safe from the clawing tendrils of the Maw until his last sin is atoned for.
I am currently trying to keep him focused by directing him to a familiar task: dismantling a rival organization.
Gossip I want to ask something else.
  • Gossip What is the Bell of Rebuke?


  • Gossip Why is there no bell here?
With no souls primed for a ritual, we have no need for a ritual bell at the present.
Fane and the Avowed's other archivists keep the bells hidden away whenever they are not required, to keep them safe from tampering by the depraved ritualists infesting these halls.
When a soul is ready, I will have the dredgers bring out the bell we require. I doubt it will be too long.
Gossip I want to ask something else.
  • Gossip How do bells help souls earn atonement?
To ring a ritual bell is to sacrifice.
Each bell demands something from the soul who rings it. Used incorrectly, as the depraved of these halls do, these sacrifices are futile torment.
The wisdom of the Avowed is in identifying what each soul must sacrifice to proceed on its long journey toward atonement, and then convince that soul to make the necessary sacrifice--for their own good.
It is not always easy, and some souls are too stubborn or short-sighted to ever ring a ritual bell.
But you, you can see the truth in this: sacrificing to progress is not really sacrificing at all.
Gossip I want to ask something else.
Gossip when a bell is rang

With the bell restored, we may continue to guide this soul along the path to its atonement.

Will you ring the bell and help me show this soul that sacrifice is the truest path to atonement?

If we are unwilling to humble ourselves and confront our mistakes, how can we expect to overcome them?

  • <Name> has repaired the Bell of Confession! Let all gather and walk the path of atonement together!
  • <Name> has repaired the Bell of Rebuke! Let all gather and walk the path of atonement together!
  • <Name> has repaired the Bell of Shame! Let all gather and walk the path of atonement together!
  • <Name> has repaired the Bell of Submission! Let all gather and walk the path of atonement together!
  • After the dredgers repair the Bell of Confession, you WILL ring it.
  • Embrace your shame. Walk through every horrible memory that weighs upon you. Endure it, so that you may overcome it!
  • Willing or not, your inequities will be rebuked here. Your choice is whether not to learn from the experience.
  • Your kingdoms and tribes hold no power here. Renounce your old allegiances and be free of them!
  • Your mortal strength means nothing here. Ring the bell and see how weak you truly are.

Patch changes

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