Caretaker Kah-Vosh

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NeutralCaretaker Kah-Vosh
Image of Caretaker Kah-Vosh
Title <Hand of the Arbiter>
Race Attendant (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Enclave, Oribos

Caretaker Kah-Vosh is an attendant located in the Enclave in Oribos who frequently has conversations with Emissary Ba'silk.


Please excuse me, mortal. We are busy observing the flow of souls.

Gossip You are responsible for dealing with the Brokers?

I am the one whom the Purpose has dictated should do so, yes.
Like you, the brokers are visitors to Oribos. They are just a little more demanding of our time.

Gossip That didn't sound like you actually think it is an honor.

You misunderstand.
The Purpose is our way. Who am I to doubt it?
So yes, I am the one tasked with answering the Broker's incessant questions.
It is just that their questions are, on occasion, quite tiresome.
  • Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Ba'silk, you haven't filed a new request in some time. I find your silence... disconcerting.
Emissary Ba'silk says: You wound me, caretaker! Sometimes silence is just silence.
Emissary Ba'hask says: We could find something to make noise about, if you so insist.
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Please, no. Not on my account.
Emissary Ba'hask says: Silence it is then. For now.
  • Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Really Ba'silk? You need to import even more creatures to Oribos?
Emissary Ba'silk says: A thousand apologies, my friend. We are merely trying to serve the needs of our mortal guests. Surely you understand.
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: It seems excessive. Still, the Purpose is our way. Do as you must.
  • Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Ba'silk, I have received complaints concerning crates of bones that are cluttering the lower levels.
Emissary Ba'silk says: Those are necessary supplies requested by the mortals, caretaker.
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: What do they need so many bones for?
Emissary Ba'silk says: Rituals of some kind, I am told. We try not to pry into the personal matters of our clients.
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: I... see. We shall have to trust the mortals, I suppose. Their way must be the Purpose. Bones and all.
  • Emissary Ba'silk says: But caretaker, you want the mortals to be comfortable, yes? Is that not the Purpose?
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Do not invoke the Purpose so casually, Ba'silk. The Purpose is our way, but it is not yours.
Emissary Ba'silk says: I did not intend offense. I mean only that our interests are aligned. For the mortals to aid your Arbiter, they need supplies. Amenities.
Caretaker Kah-Vosh says: Within reason, yes. But I begin to wonder whether you are taking advantage of our agreeable nature.
Emissary Ba'silk says: Perish the thought, caretaker!

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