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Caretaker Kah-Sar

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NeutralCaretaker Kah-Sar
Image of Caretaker Kah-Sar
Title <Hand of the Arbiter>
Race Attendant (Humanoid)
Level 59 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Oribos
Status Alive

Caretaker Kah-Sar is an attendant located in Oribos.



Welcome Maw Walker. You have an interest in what the Fatescribe records?

Gossip Do you record where all souls have gone?

We do, but we do not.

Forgive me for the cryptic nature of the reply.

We record, but we may not recall. Only the Purpose may reveal whether the threads of a soul will rejoin the tapestry of an individual existence.

  • Caretaker Kah-Sar says: How do we know this is true to the Purpose, Fatescribe?
Fatescribe Roh-Tahl says: The Purpose directs all. Though it is sometimes oblique, we must trust in its inherent infallibility.
  • Caretaker Kah-Sar says: Fatescribe. The Overseers wish to know if there is any change.
Fatescribe Roh-Tahl says: Alas, no. All souls still flow to the Maw. Though it defies understanding, this must be the Purpose.
Caretaker Kah-Sar says: The Purpose is our way.
  • Caretaker Kah-Sar says: Fatescribe, is it true that the Maw claims every newly arrived soul?
Fatescribe Roh-Tahl says: It would appear so. We must trust that this is the Purpose.
Caretaker Kah-Sar says: The Purpose is our way.

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