Captured Tuskarr Prisoner

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NeutralCaptured Tuskarr Prisoner
Image of Captured Tuskarr Prisoner
Gender Male
Race Tuskarr (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kalu'ak
Location Riplash Strand, Borean Tundra[44.2, 77.8]
Status Alive

The Captured Tuskarr Prisoner is a tuskarr located at Riplash Strand in the Borean Tundra. Look on the beach to the southwest of Karuk, south of the graveyard. He's fighting off a Riplash Myrmidon. Save him and then pick up his quest before he runs off.

If you're having trouble finding him (as they don't spawn all that often), look for the following yells and move quickly once you see them:

  • Skadir Longboatsman yells: Send in the next pair of prisoners, let them fight to see who lives!
  • Skadir Longboatsman yells: You may have survived for our amusement, but now, you shall die at our hands!

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