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Captain Nightrunner

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AllianceCaptain Nightrunner
Image of Captain Nightrunner
Title <'Salvage' Expert>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 120
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Captain
Location Boralus Harbor, Boralus

Captain Nightrunner is a night elf located in Boralus Harbor in Boralus. He stands with Ship's Mate Rustcog and sells salvage chests containing treasures from Island Expeditions. Every week he will have three random chests for sale.

Vendor information

Island Expedition Salvage
Targeted Island must be up during the week. Only 3 islands are active per week.
Item Cost Possible Inhabitants Notes
 [Snowblossom Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Mantid, Mogu, Virmen
 [Skittering Hollow Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Trogg, Kobold, Nerubian
 [Rotting Mire Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Saurok, Jinyu, Pirate
 [Jorundall Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Vrykul, Vargul Taunka, Storm Dragon
 [Havenswood Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Feral Worgen, Old God Minion, Necromancer
 [Crestfall Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Restless Orc Soul, Twilight Dragon, Pirate
 [Dread Chain Salvage] 175 Seafarer's Dubloon Mogu, Kvaldir, Ice Troll, Yeti
 [Whispering Reef Salvage] 120 Seafarer's Dubloon Makrura, Murloc, Naga
 [Verdant Wilds Salvage] 120 Seafarer's Dubloon Furbolg, Druid, Keeper
 [Un'gol Ruins Salvage] 120 Seafarer's Dubloon Quilboar, Pygmy, Hozen
 [Molten Cay Salvage] 120 Seafarer's Dubloon Ogre, Yaungol, Sand Troll, Jungle Troll
 [Venture Co. 'Salvage'] 50 Seafarer's Dubloon Venture Co, Tol'vir, Black Dragonflight Always available
 [Elemental Salvage] 75 Seafarer's Dubloon Elementals Always available


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Jeen'ra Nightrunner and Gerratys Nightrunner.

Patch changes

See also

External links