Captain Irontree

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NeutralCaptain Irontree
Image of Captain Irontree
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Guardians of Hyjal
Occupation Captain
Location Mount Hyjal;[57, 55] Molten Front
Status Alive

Captain Irontree is a night elf quest giver first found in the destroyed town within the Scorched Plain in Mount Hyjal. He later joined the assault into the Molten Front during the Firelands Invasion.


Mount Hyjal
Molten Front


Molten Front gossip

We are just barely holding our ground. We need every able-bodied soldier to report for duty.


Patch changes

External links

Mount Hyjal Molten Front