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Captain Goodspeed

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MobCaptain Goodspeed
Image of Captain Goodspeed
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Goodspeed's Guard
Occupation Captain
Location Pikeman's Ridge, Drustvar
Status Killable

Captain Goodspeed is a human located at Pikeman's Ridge in Drustvar.


  • Ability warrior shieldbash.png Bash — Captain Goodspeed bashes his target with his shield, inflicting Physical damage. After using Bash, Captain Goodspeed follows up with Crack
  • Ability sap.png Crack — Captain Goodspeed bashes his target with his shield, inflicting Physical damage. After using Bash, Captain Goodspeed follows up with $spellname
  • Ability warrior endlessrage.png Enrage — The caster enrages, increasing damage done by 50% for 8 sec.

Objective of

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