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Start Sergeant Gray
End Sergeant Gray
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Type Daily
Category Tol Barad Peninsula
Reputation +250 Baradin's Wardens
Rewards 16g 54s 1 Tol Barad Commendation at 85
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35 Daily] Cannonball!.


You need to recover 4 Stacks of Cannonballs from Largo's Overlook for Sergeant Gray. You can find Largo's Overlook just northeast of the base camp.


Largo and his minions have been stealing our supplies ever since we setup camp here. It's frustrating to say the least.

We have heard reports that he is stockpiling cannonballs in the towers overlooking the water up on his overlook. Can you head up there and try to recover some of them for us?

<Name>, don't forget to keep a watch out for horde too.


You will receive: 16g 54s 1 Tol Barad Commendation


Did you find the cannonballs?


Good job on the recovery effort <name>. These cannonballs should last us a while.


Completing this quest is an objective of  [Just Another Day in Tol Barad].

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