Called to the Throne (Alliance)

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AllianceCalled to the Throne
Start Vindicator Nobundo
End Vindicator Nobundo
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 1,480 experience
Rewards 1g 46s
Previous A [35-40] Nobundo Sends Word
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Called to the Throne.


Commune with the furies at the Throne of Elements.

  • Speak with Vindicator Nobundo
  • Commune with the furies


I was far from here in Talador when the voice called out to me.

I looked around but found myself alone. Again, I heard the voice as if it were a breeze in my mind.

"You are needed at the throne," it whispered.

The voice called itself Kalandrios, and it guided me to this place.

I had never been here before, nor had I yet beheld these furies with my eyes; yet this feels strangely familiar to me as if it happened long ago in a forgotten dream.

We should greet the furies and hear them out.


I am not sure what to make of this.

The elements are no longer in balance? The great fury Gordawg is missing and must be found?

The furies appear noble, and deep within my soul their words ring true.

I believe we aid should them in their cause.


You will also receive: 1g 46s


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