Call of Earth (Durotar)

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HordeCall of Earth
Start Canaga Earthcaller
End Canaga Earthcaller
Level 4 (Requires 4)
Category Shaman
Experience 27-270
Repeatable No
Next H Shaman [4] Call of Earth

The shaman trainer Canaga Earthcaller wants you to prove yourself by killing 2 Felstalkers and bring their hooves to him before he will share the secrets of the earth with you.




Bring 2 Felstalker Hooves to Canaga Earthcaller in the Valley of Trials.


The time is now, young shaman. You've grown strong and your spirit endures like the earth. Following the shaman's path shows you have wisdom before even proving yourself.

The element of earth will guide your destiny, becoming part of you if you are ready. But you must stand before the earth itself. If you are ready, then you will see things only shaman know of.

Seek out the Felstalkers to the north, and take from them two of their hooves. Return to me then, and we shall speak more of your future.


Felstalker Hooves drop from the Felstalkers in the Burning Blade Coven. The hooves have a 100% drop rate.


Patience is earth's greatest virtue. The earth witnesses the cycle of all things: the mountains becoming deserts; rivers becoming canyons. The earth is the most stubborn and wise of all the elements and it does not tolerate impatience.

The earth beckons you now because a time of conflict draws near. When you return to me successful, then you shall be that much closer to being made whole.

Others will be envious of your wisdom and hate you for their ignorance.

Required items:


Excellent. Your success shows that you are prepared.

Of all the elements, earth represents the foundation of all things. It is your strength, your stamina, and your patience. Earth will protect you, but only if shown the proper respect. Like the other elements, even earth can be fickle. Earth is the basis for life, and by observing its laws, you will gain greater wisdom. Never forget the secrets earth shares with you.

I shall make a sapta for you now, and by accepting it, you will realize your path.

Additional Notes

If you haven't done them already, do this quest in conjuction with one of the following quests, as they involve the Burning Blade Coven:

This quest is in the orc and troll starting area, but it is not restricted to them - tauren can complete it as well. The equivalent quest in the tauren starting area of Red Cloud Mesa is H Shaman [4] Call of Earth.


External links