CVar timingMethod

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Configures the internal timing mechanism for the game engine.

Default Setting


Possible Settings

Automatically detects the best method for the current system. This option is recommended.
On Windows, uses GetTickCount() for timing information. This is a low resolution timer and is not recommended.
On Mac, uses mach_absolute_time() for timing information. This is the preferred option when autodetection is enabled.
On Windows, uses QueryPerformanceCounter() for timing information. This is a high resolution timer and is the preferred option when autodetection is enabled.
On Windows, this is a variant of option 2 labelled as "QueryPerformanceCounter (No test)". It is unknown what the difference is between these two options.


  • Low resolution timing methods such as GetTickCount can affect certain API functions like GetTime() to be less precise at higher framerates. This may lead to stuttering of some UI animations and effects.
  • The timingInfo console command will print out the desired and selected timing methods.

Changing this setting

In-game, type the following and then restart the client.

/console timingMethod setting

Alternatively, you can exit WoW, open the file, and add the following line:

SET timingMethod "setting"

Patch history

See also

  • CVar timingInfo
