CVar colorChatNamesByClass

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This CVar changes how the chat log is displayed. Instead of the names of people speaking being the same color as their text, their name will change to a color to match their class.

Default Setting


Possible Settings

Name of person and chat text all 1 color
Name of person is a different color based on their class

If enabled

If this setting is on, the following happens

  • Death Knight's Name: Text
  • Druid's Name: Text
  • Hunter's Name: Text
  • Mage's Name: Text
  • Paladin's Name: Text
  • Priest's Name: Text
  • Rogue's Name: Text
  • Shaman's Name: Text
  • Warlock's Name: Text
  • Warrior's Name: Text

Changing this setting

You can change this setting via the Interface settings.


In-game, type the following

/console colorChatNamesByClass setting


You can exit wow, open the file, and add the following line:

SET colorChatNamesByClass setting

Patch changes