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Fired when a raid target icon is set. This is used by the chat filter, if the player is watching raid icons in chat output (in the Filters right-click menu, under Other, look for Target Icons).

CHAT_MSG_TARGETICONS: text, playerName, languageName, channelName, playerName2, specialFlags, zoneChannelID, channelIndex, channelBaseName, languageID, lineID, guid, bnSenderID, isMobile, isSubtitle, hideSenderInLetterbox, supressRaidIcons


1. text
string - The formatted message to be displayed in the chat window.
  • Formatted from the TARGET_ICON_SET globalstring: "|Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h sets |TInterface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcon_%d:0|t on %s."[1]
2. playerName
string - Name of the user that initiated the chat message.
3. languageName
string - Localized name of the language if applicable, e.g. "Common" or "Thalassian"
4. channelName
string - Channel name with channelIndex, e.g. "2. Trade - City"
5. playerName2
string - The target name when there are two users involved, otherwise the same as playerName or an empty string.[2]
6. specialFlags
string - User flags if applicable, possible values are: "GM", "DEV", "AFK", "DND", "COM"[3][4]
7. zoneChannelID
number - The static ID of the zone channel, e.g. 1 for General, 2 for Trade and 22 for LocalDefense. [5]
8. channelIndex
number - Channel index, this usually is related to the order in which you joined each channel.
9. channelBaseName
string - Channel name without the number, e.g. "Trade - City"
10. languageID
number - LanguageID
11. lineID
number - Unique chat lineID for differentiating/reporting chat messages. Can be passed to PlayerLocation:CreateFromChatLineID()
12. guid
string - Sender's Unit GUID.
13. bnSenderID
number - ID of the friend.
14. isMobile
boolean - If the sender is using the Blizzard Mobile app.
15. isSubtitle
16. hideSenderInLetterbox
boolean - Whether this chat message is meant to show in the CinematicFrame only.[6]
17. supressRaidIcons
boolean - Whether Target marker expressions like {rt7} and {diamond} should not be rendered with C_ChatInfo.ReplaceIconAndGroupExpressions()


  1. ^ 2010-03-22, GlobalStrings.lua, version, near line 7271, archived at Townlong-Yak
  2. ^ ChatFrame.lua, patch 8.3.0, near line 3452, archived at Townlong-Yak
  3. ^ ChatFrame.lua, patch 8.3.0, near line 3538, archived at Townlong-Yak
  4. ^ GlobalStrings.db2.
  5. ^ ChatChannels.db2.
  6. ^ ChatFrame.lua, patch 8.3.0, near line 3284, archived at Townlong-Yak