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Fired (possibly among other times) when you are debuffed - so Disarm, Silenced, etc. I know the name doesn't match, but if you want to verify, enable printing this in your chat log. Get into combat and get debuffed. After combat, scroll back up, and while the debuff message is onscreen, change the chat color of this message, and you will see it change... Very strange. I assume this is named after poisons or diseases, but I haven't actually tested if those trigger this. See CHAT_MSG_SPELL_AURA_GONE_SELF if you want to know when it wears off (both buffs and debuffs). This is accurate as of US Release 1.2.4 (4222), tested by hacking Scrolling Combat Text.

full text of the debuff message, e.g. "You are Disarmed."

This is also fired during the Gnomish Death Ray's channel.

This is indeed triggered by poison / disease. arg1 messages in the form of: "You suffer 3 damage from Scorpid's Poison" or "You are afflicted by Something" come from this event. --Syllani

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