Burning Crusade Justice Point gear

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This page lists The Burning Crusade items purchasable with [Justice Points] after  [Badge of Justice] was removed.


Plate Armor Cost
 [Vambraces of the Naaru] 39g 56s 75c
 [Bracers of the Ancient Phalanx] 43g 7s 80c
 [Eternium Rage-Shackles] 42g 62s 75c
 [Girdle of the Protector] 40g 70s 10c
 [Iron-Tusk Girdle] 40g 33s 25c
 [Chain of Unleashed Rage] 39g 10s
 [Bonefist Gauntlets] 39g 11s 70c
 [Handguards of the Templar] 39g 41s 45c
 [Furious Deathgrips] 42g 47s 45c
 [Pauldrons of Gruesome Fate] 63g 68s 20c
 [Implacable Guardian Sabatons] 61g 87s 15c
 [Sabatons of the Righteous Defender] 59g 57s 55c
 [High Justicar's Legplates] 78g 8s 95c
 [Bloodthirster's Wargreaves] 78g 99s 90c
 [Unwavering Legguards] 85g 37s 40c
 [Chestguard of the Stoic Guardian] 79g 28s 80c
 [Amani Mask of Death] 61g 40s 40c
 [Faceguard of Determination] 57g 47s 70c
 [Helmet of the Steadfast Champion] 57g 67s 25c
Mail Armor Cost
 [Steadying Bracers] 42g 2s 40c
 [Earthquake Bracers] 42g 92s 50c
 [Gleaming Earthen Bracers] 42g 47s 45c
 [Treads of the Life Path] 62g 77s 25c
 [Treads of Booming Thunder] 58g 61s 25c
 [Stormwrap] 43g 7s 80c
 [War-Feathered Loop] 40g 48s 55c
 [Man'kin'do's Belt] 39g 42s 30c
 [Polished Waterscale Gloves] 42g 32s 15c
 [Grips of Nature's Wrath] 42g 77s 20c
 [Gauntlets of Sniping] 41g 87s 10c
 [Pauldrons of the Furious Elements] 58g 45s 45c
 [Hauberk of the Furious Elements] 84g 77s 90c
 [Natural Life Leggings] 83g 86s 10c
 [Shifting Camouflage Pants] 80g 79s 25c
 [Warpstalker Helm] 57g 88s 50c
 [Storm Master's Helmet] 58g 8s 90c
Leather Armor Cost
 [Master Assassin Wristwraps] 46g 55s 0c
 [Armwraps of the Kaldorei Protector] 47g 46s 0c
 [Gargon's Bracers of Peaceful Slumber] 39g 10s
 [Band of the Swift Paw] 47g 81s 0c
 [Nyn'jah's Tabi Boots] 69g 54s 0c
 [Footwraps of Wild Encroachment] 71g 71s 0c
 [Moon-Walkers] 70g 39s 0c
 [Starfire Waistband] 48g 36s 0c
 [Waistguard of the Great Beast] 48g 35s 0c
 [Grasp of the Moonkin] 46g 90s 0c
 [Trickster's Stickyfingers] 46g 37s 0c
 [Pauldrons of Tribal Fury] 69g 57s 0c
 [Gnarled Ironwood Pauldrons] 74g 66s 0c
 [Shallow-Grave Trousers] 91g 86s 0c
 [Blessed Elunite Coverings] 97g 23s 0c
 [Pants of Splendid Recovery] 99g 35s 0c
 [Vestments of Hibernation] 94g 73s 0c
 [Mask of Primal Power] 69g 30s 0c
 [Cowl of Beastly Rage] 62g 26s 0c
 [Mask of the Deceiver] 68g 57s 0c
Cloth Armor Cost
 [Runed Spell-Cuffs] 41g 85s 40c
 [Wristguards of Tranquil Thought] 42g 0s 70c
 [Studious Wraps] 41g 54s 80c
 [Light-Blessed Bonds] 41g 70s 10c
 [Voodoo-Woven Belt] 39g 11s 70c
 [Achromic Trousers of the Naaru] 82g 33s 10c
 [Pantaloons of Arcane Annihilation] 82g 2s 50c
 [Cowl of Naaru Blessings] 53g 32s 90c
 [Mana-Binders Cowl] 53g 12s 50c
Necklaces, Trinkets, & Rings Cost
 [Brooch of Deftness] 33g 97s 45c
 [Battlemaster's Audacity] 66g 92s 90c
 [Battlemaster's Alacrity] 66g 92s 90c
 [Battlemaster's Cruelty] 68g 75s 65c
 [Battlemaster's Depravity] 68g 49s 30c
 [Battlemaster's Determination] 70g 81s 35c
 [Battlemaster's Perseverance] 68g 75s 65c
Cloaks Cost
 [Slikk's Cloak of Placation] 58g 92s 20c
 [Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope] 58g 66s 70c
 [Cloak of Subjugated Power] 62g 77s 25c
 [Dory's Embrace] 59g 81s 45c
 [Cloak of Arcane Alacrity] 63g 46s 10c
 [Cloak of Swift Reprieve] 64g 13s 25c
Off-Hand Cost
 [Fetish of the Primal Gods] 67g 43s 5c
 [Voodoo Shaker] 72g 13s 10c
 [Flametongue Seal] 62g 24s 55c
 [Khadgar's Knapsack] 62g 94s 25c
 [Orb of the Soul-Eater] 62g 70s 45c
 [Sapphiron's Wing Bone] 62g 0s 75c
 [Talisman of Kalecgos] 62g 47s 50c
 [Tears of Heaven] 63g 18s 5c
Shields Cost
 [Azure-Shield of Coldarra] 70g 39s 70c
 [Light-Bearer's Faith Shield] 70g 64s 35c
 [Mazthoril Honor Shield] 70g 89s
Weapons Cost
 [Carved Witch Doctor's Stick] 48g 9s 30c
 [Searing Sunblade] 42g 27s 5c
Consumables Cost
 [Primal Nether] 42g 50s
 [Nether Vortex] 59g 50s
Fire resistance
Type Item Slot Cost
Cloth  [Infernoweave Robe] Chest 75g 25s 5c
 [Infernoweave Gloves] Hands 39g 14s 25c
 [Infernoweave Leggings] Legs 74g 97s 85c
 [Infernoweave Boots] Feet 56g 54s 20c
Leather  [Inferno Hardened Chestguard] Chest 73g 56s 75c
 [Inferno Hardened Gloves] Hands 38g 57s 30c
 [Inferno Hardened Leggings] Legs 74g 12s 85c
 [Inferno Hardened Boots] Feet 55g 70s 5c
Mail  [Inferno Forged Hauberk] Chest 72g 72s 60c
 [Inferno Forged Gloves] Hands 36g 71s 15c
 [Inferno Forged Leggings] Legs 72g 44s 55c
 [Inferno Forged Boots] Feet 59g 52s 55c
Plate  [Inferno Tempered Chestguard] Chest 79g 24s 55c
 [Inferno Tempered Gauntlets] Hands 39g 55s 90c
 [Inferno Tempered Leggings] Legs 78g 39s 55c
 [Inferno Tempered Boots] Feet 59g 10s 90c
Type Item Slot Cost
Caster  [Shawl of Shifting Probabilities] Back 55g 59s
 [Ring of Cryptic Dreams] Ring 46g 33s 35c
 [Manasurge Pendant] Neck 31g 70s 50c
 [Icon of the Silver Crescent] Trinket 63g 88s 60c
Heal  [Bishop's Cloak] Back 56g 81s 40c
 [Band of Halos] Ring 47g 36s 20c
 [Necklace of Eternal Hope] Neck 32g 41s 5c
 [Essence of the Martyr] Trinket 76g 81s
Melee  [Blood Knight War Cloak] Back 54g 15s 35c
 [Ring of Arathi Warlords] Ring 48g 39s 90c
 [Choker of Vile Intent] Neck 30g 88s 5c
 [Bloodlust Brooch] Trinket 62g 24s 55c
Tank  [Farstrider Defender's Cloak] Back 54g 76s 55c
 [Ring of Unyielding Force] Ring 45g 81s 50c
 [Necklace of the Juggernaut] Neck 31g 46s 70c
 [Gnomeregan Auto-Dodger 600] Trinket 63g 18s 5c


Cloth Armor Cost
 [Veteran's Dreadweave Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Dreadweave Cuffs] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Dreadweave Stalkers] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mooncloth Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mooncloth Cuffs] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mooncloth Slippers] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Silk Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Silk Cuffs] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Silk Footguards] 208 Justice Points
Leather Armor Cost
 [Veteran's Dragonhide Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Dragonhide Boots] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Dragonhide Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Kodohide Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Kodohide Boots] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Kodohide Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Leather Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Leather Boots] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Leather Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Wyrmhide Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Wyrmhide Boots] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Wyrmhide Bracers] 130 Justice Points
Mail Armor Cost
 [Veteran's Chain Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Chain Girdle] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Chain Sabatons] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Linked Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Linked Girdle] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Linked Sabatons] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mail Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mail Girdle] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Mail Sabatons] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ringmail Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ringmail Girdle] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ringmail Sabatons] 208 Justice Points
Plate Armor Cost
 [Veteran's Lamellar Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Lamellar Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Lamellar Greaves] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ornamented Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ornamented Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Ornamented Greaves] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Plate Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Plate Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Plate Greaves] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Scaled Belt] 208 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Scaled Bracers] 130 Justice Points
 [Veteran's Scaled Greaves] 208 Justice Points

Smith Hauthaa/Anwehu