Broken Mirror

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For other uses, see  [Broken Mirror] and [Broken Mirror].
Broken Mirror

Broken Mirrors can be found in Revendreth after Rank 3 of the Venthyr Covenant Transportation Network is unlocked. After being repaired with a  [Handcrafted Mirror Repair Kit], each mirror leads to a Forgotten Chamber somewhere beneath the Sanctuary of the Mad. Each Forgotten Chamber contains a Forgotten Chest; these chests are the source of one of the recolors for the Venthyr Covenant set, certain back pieces, and  [Silessa's Battle Harness].


One mirror appears at [39.9, 30.3] in Sinfall during the Broken Mirror introduction quest, N [60] Repair and Restore. It leads to a Forgotten Chamber that contains a Battered Chest.

Afterward, three Broken Mirrors appear in Revendreth each day. There are four possible "groups" of mirrors that appear at the same time. Mirrors with the same marker on the map below are in the same group. The active mirror group will be the same across all realms within the same server region (Americas, Europe, Korea, Taiwan, and China).



  • Broken Mirrors will sometimes send you into the crypt at the Sanctuary of the Mad. If this happens, you can travel back to the same mirror and enter it again to be correctly sent to a Forgotten Chamber.

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