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Broken Masquerade

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Template:WorldEvent/Radiant Echoes

NeutralBroken Masquerade
Level 15-70
Type Weekly
Category Dustwallow Marsh
Experience 2,600
Rewards 56g 18s


Defeat Remembered Onyxia during a Radiant Echoes event.

  • Remembered Onyxia slain


I cannot remember how I arrived at this swamp, but it was great luck that I did.

As I wandered I spotted Lady Katrana Prestor entering a strange toothy cave. Now, what would a Stormwindian noble-woman be doing in such a ghoulish place?

Following her closely I found a great clutch of black dragon eggs within the lair.

Such evidence is clear--Katrana is Lady Onyxia.

I beg of you, aid me in defeating this vile dragon once and for all.


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 2,600 XP









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